Sunday, July 29, 2012

MP Tuaran Keluar BN Sokong PR


MP Tuaran Datuk Seri Wilfred Bumburing hari ini mengumumkan keputusannya untuk meletak jawatan daripada parti Upko dan seterusnya menyokong Pakatan Rakyat.

Katanya, beliau telah berbincang dengan beberapa orang anggota jawatankuasa tertinggi dan ketua bahagian Upko dan akan meninggalkan BN.

 Beliau berkata demikian di majlis pelancaran Angkatan Perubahan Sabah (APS) di Tuaran.  
"Saya masih setia kepada Upko tetapi meletak jawatan dari BN," katanya.

Bumburing sebelum ini meletak jawatan sebagai pengerusi BN kawasan tersebut tanpa mengemukakan apa-apa sebab.

Beliau hari ini berkata kekecewaannya ke atas janji BN yang tidak ditepati dan peningkatan jumlah imigran tanpa dokumen serta royalti petroleum menyebabkan beliau bertindak demikian.


Paquin said...

Itu hak mereka, takda yang larang. Tapi bagi saya tindakan mereka memang menunjukkan ciri-ciri individu yang takda kesetiaan.

Paquin said...

Pastikan saja rakyat menilai perkara ini sematang mungkin.

mantera said...

sekarang dah jelas Bumburing tinggalkan BN, itu adalah keputusan dia. BN akan tetap kukuh.

Unknown said...

Bukan Bumburing mahu menyertai APS pada PRU akan datang.

Anonymous said...

Nilai...Jangan tidak nilai sebaiknya. Ini demi masa depan kita.

ScottyDoesntKnow said...

Umno Tuaran has pledged full support for the leadership of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman to continue bringing the country and Sabah to greater heights. Umno Tuaran chief Datuk Hajiji Noor said in Sabah, Musa who is also Sabah Umno chief, had brought about many development programmes for long-term benefit of the people.

ScottyDoesntKnow said...

He recalled when he was the Assistant Finance Minister in 2001 and Musa was the Finance Minister, the State government's reserves was only around RM100 million."But today the reserves had increased to more than RM3 billion. This clearly shows that he is a great leader and financial manager," said Hajiji at the breaking of fast hosted by Sabah Umno Zone I in Kampung Serusup.

ScottyDoesntKnow said...

Some 2,000 people attended the event - which is the first in a series of breaking of fast for Umno divisions in Sabah."Because of this, your struggle has a place in the hearts of the people, especially Umno and BN members in this division. Believe me you are not alone in the struggle to bring Umno and Barisan Nasional to a higher pedestal," he said.

ScottyDoesntKnow said...

In this respect, Hajiji said Umno Tuaran's election machinery was already in place to face the opposition in the 13th general election with programmes mainly to get closer to the grassroots being held regularly.Hajiji who is also Local Government & Housing Minister reminded the opposition here that Umno and BN would never retreat nor surrender.

ScottyDoesntKnow said...

And, he also expressed gratitude to the Chief Minister for approving the construction of a new mosque for Kampung Serusup and former Finance Ministry's permanent secretary Datuk Yusof Kassim for donating the land.Meanwhile, Musa urged party leaders and members here to continue strengthening relationships and avoid actions that might only weaken the party.

ScottyDoesntKnow said...

Instead, he said they should brace for the imminent election."I call on everyone to make more efforts to serve the people. No doubt we will be facing challenges but we will emerge triumphant" he said, adding that what was important was to maintain the existing cordial relationship and strong unity.

ScottyDoesntKnow said...

Musa also reiterated the importance of being sincere and honest."The position as Chief Minister, minister or even YBs is not important but sincerity and honesty in order for us to continue helping the people of Sabah," he said.

ScottyDoesntKnow said...

Musa said the country's peace and independence today has brought benefits and allowed Malaysians to be able to observe the fasting month comfortably.He said this situation also gave the people a chance to unite in harmony at breaking of fast functions regardless of their religion and race.

ScottyDoesntKnow said...

"We need to be grateful for these blessings as we are able to perform our religious obligation in a peaceful and serene environment."This is the benefit of an independent country which is economically and socially prosperous with various races and religions," he said.

ScottyDoesntKnow said...

In respect to this, Musa said the public must continue to preserve peace in the country.The Chief Minister also said that he did not hesitate to approve Hajiji's request for the new mosque because he knew Hajiji was a hardworking leader.

ScottyDoesntKnow said...

"The new mosque was named after Haji Noor not because he was Hajiji's father but it was a tribute to Haji Noor as a leader of the area," he said.After opening the Masjid Haji Noor, Musa accompanied by Hajiji and other Sabah Umno leaders presented contributions to the orphans, representatives of mosques and tithes to selected schools in the district.Among those in attendance were Speaker Datuk Salleh Tun Said, Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Yahya Hussin, Tourism, Culture & Environment Minister Datuk Masidi Manjun, Community Development & Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Azizah Dun, Minister in the Chief Minister's Department Datuk Nasir Tun Sakaran, Sabah BN secretary Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan and head of the divisions in Zone I.